Is it easier to exercise when the sun shines?

The answer yesterday was most certainly yes.  On Saturday it rained the entire day here.  It was cold and windy and I didn’t feel like getting up early nor, like going out all day.  I reluctantly forced myself to go to the gym and was surprised to find out that the gym was full to bursting with people on treadmills, spin bikes, lifting weights, attending classes or in swimming.  Despite the horrible weather dozens of people had forced themselves out of the house to exercise because they knew they would  feel better after it, it would improve their anxiety or because they were determined to achieve their fitness goals.   As expected I felt much better after my visit and definitely felt more motivated than I had been earlier. Yesterday  the sun shone and it was a beautiful day.  Despite being October in Scotland it was warm and  I went a long walk with my dogs, loving every moment of it, collecting chestnuts and even saw a beautiful deer running across a field.  When I got home I started working in the garden, clearing things up for the impending winter and trimming back my roses.  The rest of my family were also outside washing cars, fixing cars or out walking.   Not once did I have to force myself out the door.  In fact I had to force myself to go in at dinner time. So does the weather make   a difference to our motivation to exercise and going out in the fresh air?  Of course it does.  Light nights, warm weather and the feelgood factor of nice weather definitely make it easier.  However, we also know that moving more makes us feel better, helps us get fitter and healthier as well as improving our mental health.  We also know that to change habits takes times and that if we force ourselves to do something, and keep doing…. Eventually we will enjoy doing it.  The following are tips on how to motivate yourself to move more:

Find an exercise that suits you –

Health issues and increasing years can make it harder to get an exercise that suits you.  It can be very intimidating walking into gyms with lycra clad size 6’s all over the place not to mention how traumatic a metafit class can be when you’re overweight and over 50!  You don’t have to put yourself through that.  Just find something you enjoy, whether it be walking in the countryside, putting on a Davina DVD or joining your local zumba or yoga class.  The key is consistency.  Do it and do it and do it until you won’t want to miss it.

Fake it till you make it 

Don’t keep telling yourself “this is a nightmare”, or “I’ll never be thin”.  You are what you believe so turn those negative thoughts into positive ones and repeat them continuously. Really imagine how you will look and feel when you reach your goals.

Remind yourself why it’s important 

You matter.  You may have looked after your family, your parents, your husband, your work colleagues etc. but what about you?  Do you deserve to feel good?  Of course you do and no-one will make this happen for you other than YOU.  As the advert says “you’re worth it” so prioritize yourself and start “project me” right now. If you want to find out how hypnotherapy can help with any of the issues mentioned above please get in touch for a free, no obligation telephone consultation. Love Irene